Nan Shepherd is on some Scottish new bank notes. Alice Tarbuck considers the resurgence of interest in this fascinating woman and her work.
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A research team in Australia has been uncovering the hidden histories of pioneer women lawyers, and have mounted an online exhibition.
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From a member of the project team
A member of the Dangerous Women Project team shares her experiences of being labelled dangerous, and urges others to join the discussion.
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when I got my first period…
Through autobiographical reflection, a provocative image and narratives of struggle in Ireland, Catherine Harper explores issues around women’s reproductive autonomy from puberty onwards.
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In a post inspired by a photograph taken in 2015, Jo Shaw explores the imagery of ‘women with guns’.
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An Appreciation
Sandra Cairncross explores the lives of four sisters born in Glasgow, three of whom were accomplished artists, but whose lives are now disappearing from sight.
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An Interrogating Dangerous Voice
Megha Katoria examines the life and work of Ismat Chughtai, a courageous and outspoken writer of Urdu literature deserving of the ‘dangerous woman’ title.
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The Bradford Female Educational Institute
JY Saville tells of the Bradford Female Educational Institute, an exception at a time in history when working class women’s education was a dangerous idea.
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‘People were always asking women if they were lost when they were merely thinking. A man with a map is studying it; a woman with the same stance is confused.’ Mel Evan’s creative piece examines women alone.
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