Tag: France
Welcoming her back
Through interdisciplinary visual art, poetry and an essay, Elif Sezen introduces us to Camille Claudel, a sculptor of the late 19th and early 20th century.
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Writer Hélène Cixous was revolutionary in her efforts to talk about ‘dangerous’ subject matters, as Raquelle K. Bostow explains.
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Christine and the Queens
Sammy Bishop explores how music group Christine and the Queens actively defy traditional performances of gender.
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Willfully oblivious or truly dangerous?
Take a stroll through the streets of Paris with Marine Desage-El Murr and two ‘dangerous’ women from history: Olympe de Gouges and Marie Curie.
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More sinn’d against than sinning?
Catherine Hokin interrogates historical and literary interpretations of Margaret of Anjou to reclaim a 15th century queen ‘who knew exactly how dangerous to be’.
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Utopian socialist. Dangerous woman?
Jelena Vasiljević draws our attention to the life and work of Flora Tristan, 19th century pioneer of feminism and socialism.
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The French Resistance heroine who outwitted the Gestapo
Today, the final of our Spy Week posts. Writer and historian Sian Rees explores the remarkable life and actions of French resistante Lucie Aubrac.
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